Use Energy Efficient Appliances to Save on Your Electric Bill

Happy first day of June!  As we leave May behind, we head closer to summer and all the heat, humidity, and horrifying electric bills that the season brings.  Luckily, there are ways to keep your electric costs down, especially if you research energy-efficient appliances.

Make the most out of your appliances by choosing sizes that are right for your needs.  Do you really need a huge side-by-side refrigerator or an industrial sized washer for a family of 2?  Probably not.  Extra fridge space means you are paying to cool that empty space, and washers that are too large for your needs will use extra water and electricity.  Research which size appliances will be best for you and ask for help when shopping for new appliances.

If you have an electric stove or oven, consider getting a natural gas unit.  Natural gas is relatively inexpensive and efficient fuel source, and a gas range will cut your electric costs.  Once again, size matters.  Choose an oven size that is appropriate for your family size and how often you will use it.

Take advantage of the longer days by opening the blinds and letting in the natural light.  You can also purchase energy efficient light bulbs at most hardware and convenient stores.  Also make sure to take advantage of breezy days by turning off or turning down your air conditioning and opening the windows.  Air conditioners can dramatically increase your electric bill, so taking a break from it every once in a while is a good idea!

Remember to inform your Wisconsin insurance agent when you do any major home renovations, such as a kitchen remodel or installing new appliances.  These changes could affect your Wisconsin home insurance policy.

Have a great month of June!


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