It’s once again Thrifty Thursday here at Community Insurance. This week we’re sharing tips on how to save money while still throwing a fantastically fun football party. You can even use some of these tips for tonight’s Packer game!

- Check out the dollar store for decorations before going to a party store. Most dollar or discount stores have party sections with many different colors of tablecloths, napkins, paper plates, and more. And since everything is only a dollar (or a little more), you’ll have enough cash to get everything you need and still have money left over for food and drinks!
- Keep it simple. You’re throwing a football party, not a swanky soiree. Skip the expensive wine and opt for beer or simple mixed drinks. Serve snacks instead of a full meal. You can find ideas for football party snacks on our Packer Season board on Pinterest.
- Ask your guests to bring a dish or drink to pass. Everyone loves a potluck, so if you do want to serve a full meal at your party, invite your guests to bring a dish to pass. This will save you time, money, and you’ll have less dishes to clean up!
- Take turns hosting. Don’t feel pressured to have a party for every football game. Get a group of friends and family together and take turns hosting.
- Set a budget and stick to it. Put aside a certain amount of cash in an envelope labeled “Football Party.” Once you’ve used up all the cash in the envelope, you’re done spending money for your party. This is a surefire way to stick to your budget.
These tips will keep money in your pocket all football season. Have fun but remember to celebrate responsibly. Have a great football season!