Prepare for your Next Job Interview with These Easy Tips!

If there’s one thing that most everyone seems to get nervous about, it’s the job interview.  Sweaty hands, a racing heartbeat, and an overall feeling of anxiousness before an interview seem to happen to everyone.  Knowing when to arrive, how to research the company, and when to ask about pay and the company’s Wisconsin insurance plan are all useful tips; read on to find out more!

  • Be on time!  Not only does this make a good impression, but every minute that you are late is wasting your potential employer’s time.  Do whatever you need to do in order to arrive early to the interview location.  Even if you are extremely early, that gives you time to go over your resume and collect your thoughts.
  • Do research on the company interviewing you.  You can visit their Web site, search for them on Google, and visit their Facebook and Twitter pages, but also remember that there are other resources besides the Internet.  Contacting past and present employees can give great insight into the company and what you can expect.
  • Save talk about pay and benefits until later in the interview.  Let the interviewer know that you are enthusiastic about the job and allow them a chance to get to know your first.  You can probably ballpark what they are willing to pay you, so it might be a good idea to focus on the benefits of the job, such as sick pay and their Wisconsin insurance plan options.
  • Always remember to thank the interviewer for their time.  Follow up with a hand-written thank you note; not only is this a thoughtful gesture, but it also makes the interviewer think of you and what they liked about you.

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but proper preparation can go a long way in helping you ease your anxiety.  Just as interviewers ask you questions to get a grasp of who you are, you should ask questions to fully understand your Wisconsin insurance plan.  We are here to answer all of your insurance-related questions so contact us today!


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