National Camping Month: Safety Advice for Campers

campingThe month of June is National Camping Month in the United States. The warm weather has people getting out of the house and heading outdoors to take advantage of the summer months. However, before you head into the woods—make sure you are taking precautions to ensure that you have a safe trip.

Vaccinations: Make sure you and your family are all up to date on your vaccinations. Ask your doctor what vaccinations they would recommend in order to protect you from any illnesses that you could acquire while camping.

Food preparation: You should pack all of the food you are bringing in tightly enclosed, waterproof bags. You should also store your food in an insulated cooler. Never store raw food near cooked food.

Wild animals: Many animals carry dangerous diseases. Do not feed, touch, or get near any wild animals. You should also store your food in a place that is not within reach of wild animals.

Avoid mosquitoes: Regularly apply bug spray to protect yourself from bug bites. Also, regularly check for ticks and remove if you find any.

Drink plenty of water: Frequently hydrate by drinking plenty of water while camping. Heat-related illnesses can occur when you are in warm weather and are not hydrating yourself appropriately.

Apply sunscreen: Use broad-spectrum sunscreen even if it is a cloudy or rainy day. Also, follow these tips on sun safety.

Remember the necessities: Make sure you pack a supply kit that includes a first-aid kit, GPS, map, flashlight, blankets, batteries, food, water, clothes, and medications.

Insurance: If you  are taking a RV, camper, or trailer, make sure you have the appropriate insurance package. Click here to find out why you need a RV insurance policy.


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