Low-Stress Occupations

A virtually stress-free workplace may sound like an oxymoron to you, but there are jobs that have low amounts of stress.  Read on to find out about these low-stress careers.

  • Medical Records Technician.  Could it be possible that a position in the health field has a low stress factor?  Medical records technicians are responsible for organizing and managing patients’ health information, getting more information from doctors, and keeping information safe and secure.  The health field is booming right now, which also decreases stress in that you would find a job with relative ease.
  • Dietician.  Another position in the health field!  Dieticians are responsible for creating healthy diets for patients and teaching individuals about proper nutrition.  They generally work at hospitals, physician’s clinics, nursing homes, or outpatient facilities. 
  • Insurance Underwriter.  While underwriters do experience time pressure, the job itself does not involve a lot of interaction with the public and their decisions generally do not have a big impact on people or organizations.  Insurance underwriters can write a variety of policies, including Wisconsin car, home, business, health, and life insurance policies.
  • Massage Therapist.  What better way to stay stress-free at your job than by helping others relieve their stress?  Working at a spa has its benefits too; if a message therapist does get stressed out, they can simply use the spa’s facilities to relax!


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