INDEPENDENCE IS KEY: Why to Use an Independent Insurance Agency

Keys-to-Success2.jpgFirst, we need to start with the basics.  What does it mean to be an Independent Insurance Agency?  In the most basic waythere are two types of agents, captive or non-captive (independent).  Captive agents are restricted to selling only one company’s product line.  They cannot shop around the insurance realm to see if there are better options that fit their customers.  This would be like shopping only at Kohl’s when you go to a mall. 

So you may now be asking yourself like I once did: Iftheyare not looking at all options am I missing out?  The answer most of the time is YES!  That is why having an independent agency is so important.  Independent agents are able to shop around and look at a broader selection of resources for their customers, in order to find policies that fit their needs best.  Now instead of only shopping at Kohl’s you are able to shop the entire two floors full of stores at the mall to find the perfect outfit.

Here are 7 Reasons an Independent Agency does not miss out on anything:

  1. LISTENING- In order to get what is best for you.
  2. A ONE STOP SHOP for all your insurance needs.
  3. A part of your COMMUNITY.
  4. Looking out for your present and future ASSETS.
  5. PERSONALIZED for you and you never have tonavigate a phone chain again.
  6. Committed to GIVING BACK to the local community.
  7. Searching to find you the best deals with thehighest amount of VALUE for you.

An independent insurance agency is the key to having specialized service specific for your needs at a price you can afford.  They value their customers and will help you find what is best for you!


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