How to Help Protect Yourself and Your Car against Carjacking

Carjacking is a frightening form of vehicle theft that can easily escalate into violence. By being carjacking aware you may help keep yourself safe and lower the risk of a carjacking related claim being made against your Wisconsin auto insurance

Many people have heard of the ‘bump from behind’ insurance scam, and unfortunately, carjacking often happens using the same technique. This criminal act needs two people to be effective. The driver chooses an area that has numerous escape avenues and deliberately bumps your car hard enough for you to pull over to exchange details. Once you’re out of your car and distracted, one accomplice drives your car away while the other takes off in the other car. 

Other preferred carjacking areas include shopping centers, fast food drive through areas, car washes and automated teller machines. Another attractive location for carjackers to loiter is intersections where you can be halted by a stoplight. Typically, it’s not a crime that usually targets a particular individual but rather a particular car. Unfortunately, if you’re driving a car that’s easy for carjackers to off load into the stolen vehicle industry, then you could be at a higher risk of carjacking. 

A big part of being carjacking aware is simply using your common sense, and always being alert to your surroundings. In the event the worst does happen, and you’re a victim of carjacking, call the police immediately and file a report. Documenting impressions of your experience while they’re fresh in your mind, although unpleasant, may be useful information for your Wisconsin auto insurance company too.


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