What Happens to my Insurance After a DUI?

Official U.S. Navy photo released by Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Marianas Public Affairs Officer, LT. A. Chisholm.December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. It is a time to bring up the importance of safe and sober driving. During this month, many people attend holiday parties that involve food, friends, family, and alcohol. If people are not careful with the amount they drink, it can result in a DUI, or worse an accident.

Avoid the negative effects of impaired driving by practicing safe alcohol consumption this season. Focusing our efforts on educating others on the risks of impaired driving is key to cutting down the amount of drunk drivers on the roads.

When a driver gets behind the wheel after they are impaired by the use of illegal drugs, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, or by having above a .08 BAC, they commit a crime. This crime can not only put them in danger, but also put other people on the roads in danger.

Many people do not realize that getting pulled over for a DUI can seriously affect their Wisconsin auto insurance. The fines and fees from driving drunk are high, along with the increased amount of insurance you will have to pay. In Wisconsin, if you receive a DUI it will be on your driving record. This means, your insurer will have access to your driving record and a higher auto rate is typically issued.

Receiving a DUI also means you are categorized as a higher-risk driver. Many insurance companies will assess your driving record and the amount of points on your record. People with a higher number of points are usually charged more in insurance premiums than those with a lower number of points.

Stay safe this holiday season and stay off the roads if you have been drinking. Consider calling a cab, friend, or family member to pick you up if you are too impaired to drive.


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