Great Ideas for your Tax Return Check

“Yes, it’s that time of year again when I get to go do my taxes!”

This is not a statement usually heard during this time of year.  Ask any of your coworkers, friends, or family and chances are they’ll grumble about getting their taxes done.

However, once your taxes are completed and you (hopefully) receive your return checks in the mail, you can breathe a sigh of relief.  But what to do with the refunds?

While you may be tempted to go on a shopping spree or plan a vacation with your refund, it is a good idea to think about other options first.  Do you have any credit card debt or other debt that the money could be put toward?

If you don’t have any debt (or don’t want to pay it off right now), consider using your refund to purchase a gym membership.  What better way to keep up your New Year’s resolution than by getting a membership to a gym?

Another great idea is to start an “insurance savings account.”  Whether it be for your Wisconsin home, auto, business, or life insurance policy, you can use an insurance savings account as a back-up plan in case you need extra money for your policy.  Not to mention that you’ll build interest on the money as well.

There are many other ideas for your tax returns; some can be found here.


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