Cutting Back on Soda and Checking on Your Wisconsin Health Insurance Policy

Do you enjoy drinking a soda or two with your dinner?  Or perhaps you sip on a soft drink throughout the day?  Recent research has shown that soda may be more harmful than we all assume.  Taking time to think about your choice of beverage and looking over your Wisconsin health insurance plan will benefit you in the long run.

It doesn’t take a genius to know that drinking soda increases an individual’s chances of being obese.  On average, a 12-ounce can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.  That’s enough to give any soda guzzler a toothache!

Not only will soda make you gain unsightly fat, but it can also cause you to gain harmful “hidden” fats such as liver and skeletal fats.  Soda can also cause your cholesterol to increase as well as increase your chance of developing diabetes.

Have you ever looked at the ingredient label on a can or bottle of soda?  Not only are most of the ingredients impossible to pronounce, but most are also man-made and some are toxic.  One brand of soft drink contains BVO, or brominated vegetable oil; this ingredient is a toxic flame retardant used to the artificial flavoring from separating from the rest of the liquid.  Gross!

Drinking soda can be a tough habit to break, but cutting back slowly or enjoying it in moderation can greatly benefit your health.  Making sure your Wisconsin health insurance plan is covering all your needs can also benefit your healthy lifestyle by covering doctor visits and prescriptions.

Contact us today if you have any questions regarding your Wisconsin health insurance policy!


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