Having an auto insurance policy is mandatory in the state of Wisconsin, along with every other state. As a Wisconsin automobile driver, you know how important it is to have a dependable auto insurance policy from a trusted agent. In order to keep yourself, along with your loved ones protected, our agents at Community Insurance & Associates believe in your well-being and they are determined to provide everyone with excellent insurance coverage.
As an insured driver, there are certain things that you may not know that insurance companies look at when they are rating you for auto insurance. These seemingly minor things can have an effect on your auto insurance.
- If you have a roommate with a poor driving record—insurance companies can easily look up the people living at your address and add a surcharge because they assume that at some point your roommate may be driving your vehicle.
- Unpaid parking tickets can end up in collections and your insurance company may find out about these tickets.
- Sometimes where you park your car can affect your insurance rates. Parking in a garage instead of parking in a driveway can be better for your vehicle and result in lower insurance rates.
- Paying your bills late can lead to extra fees. Pay your bills on time or talk to your local independent Wisconsin insurance agent about setting up direct withdrawal to automatically pay for your insurance every month.
- This may not be surprising, but adding a teen driver to your policy can significantly increase the premiums on your insurance policy.
- Your commute to and from work may seem short but it could potentially increase your insurance rates. Insurance companies will look at the miles you are driving every day and the conditions in which you drive in and they rate your insurance based on these things.
If you have any questions about your auto insurance or if you would like to speak with a local independent insurance agent at Community Insurance & Associates, please feel free to contact us and we would be happy to assist you with any and all of your insurance needs.